Thursday, 15 March 2012

Gattaca Movie Reflection

Brief Description:  The film takes place in a genetically engineered “not too distant future.”  Fertilized embryos are selected and altered for intelligence, strength, resistance to disease, and physical appearance.  (The genetic counselor tells parents “It’s still you, simply the best of you.”)  Children conceived in the normal way, “faith babies,” are treated as second class citizens and relegated to menial jobs. 
“Gattaca” is a multifaceted film.  It’s a story of Vincent, a “faith baby” with strong will power who dreams of exploring space but lives in a world where only the genetically enhanced can be astronauts.  Undaunted, Vincent pursues his dream in the only way possible.  Jerome is the opposite.  Blessed with the improvements offered by genetic engineering, he is unable to cope with the disappointments of life.  “Gattaca” is also a murder mystery.  Vincent gets caught up in the investigation surrounding the killing of his superior at work, a man who opposed the mission that Vincent has been scheduled to take.  Is Vincent the murderer?  Will the investigation expose Vincent as an “in-valid” and a “de-gene-erate?” 
Objective of this movie:  To look at some of the ethical implications of a society that manipulates human genes to enhance the genetic characteristics of newborns.  Due to advances in genetic engineering, society will have to face this issue in the very near future.  Genetic engineering will be able to cure disease and also to make normal people stronger, taller, better looking etc…  What do you think about this?

Discussion Questions:
1. Compare Jerome and Vincent. What were their strengths and their weaknesses? In what ways were they the mirror image of each other? 
They both were determined and wanted to be at the top but were knocked down. Vincent had always wanted to go into space but could never join because of his heart condition but he ways determined and ends up changing himself to look like Jerome. Jerome was a swimmer who always won and during a championship game he loses and gets 3rd and walks in front of a car and was to go in a wheelchair for the rest of his life. 

2.  Was Jerome mentally ill?
I don't think Jerome was mentally ill but I think he was depressed and suicidal like when he said in the movie that he wasn't that drunk when he threw himself in front of the car. It think he was in that state because he had lost the race and felt that he ways no good at what he did anymore. 

3.  Compare Anton and Vincent, the two brothers.  How was Vincent able to beat Anton at swimming despite Vincent’s weak heart? 
I think the reason Vincent won was because he had gave all his strength into swimming the farthest and not thinking about coming back here his brother Anton had always saved half of his energy to come back and eventually he used up all his energy and his brother had to save him. 
If you wold like to watch this video here is a link


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