Friday, 4 November 2011

Video Chemaical Reactions
  In this video it shows the chemical reaction with alcohol and Bromine what happens is that the alcohol makes the Bromine dissolve releasing a red gas that fumes up when the gas disapers  the block of Bromine is gone.
In this video it shows the reaction of lithium and and water the reaction is when lithium starts burning after contact with water.
In this video it's another alkali metal cesium it is almost the same reaction but instead of burning it blows up like fireworks.
In this video it is Potassium and water it is an alkali metal its a mixture of the 2nd and 3rd video because it burns while releasing the firework like sparks
In this video it is sodium and potassium in water, The sodium stars burning and then explodes into a ball of flame, with the potassium the throw it into the jar and instley just blows up after the reaction you can see the water changes from green to purple.

In this video the throw liquid nitergien  in to a swimming pool and it and it creates a fog like gas across the pool because of the differnce of the temperature and the difference in the pool it spreads then a guy jumps into it and it goes even more.
In this video the but the cleaning liquid "The Works" and aluminum foil it creates foam from the beaker and it starts to spread all over the container and then slows down after two minutes.
In this video the but a gummy bear in oxide and it burns inside of the beaker.
In this last video they add food dye to water and put a flash light up to it in a dark room and then add salt crystals and Mineral  Turpentine and it creates It starts to smoke and it looks like there are little glowing shapes moving in the water.

1 comment:

  1. If you want to watch the video just click on the link. :)
