Wednesday, 19 October 2011

Atom Simulater Questions Answers

What happens when you add a proton?  When you first add a proton it makes a stable element hydrogen but if you add another proton it makes an unstable element. 
What does it mean when an atom is stable? When an atom is stable it has bonded with another element and has all the electrons they need.
What does it mean when an atom is unstable?  When an atom is unstable it was not bonded and do not have enough or to many electrons.
How do you make an atom stable? After you add electrons to make it have 8 electrons in the outer circle. 
What do you need to do? You have to place a proton than you have to add the neutron and electron's.
What is the valence electron pattern as you move across the periodic table? I think it goes like +1, +2, +3 then -4, -3, -2, -1.  
What happens to the atom when there is more protons, more neutrons, or more electrons?  Then usually the atom becomes unstable or it makes a new element.  
What's the difference between a positive and a negative ion?  A positive ion can give away a electron when a negative needs a electron.
How do you make a neutral ion (charge of 0)? When it was all the electrons it needs.

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