Saturday, 28 April 2012

Sexual Education Essay on the Condom

Jacob Wallman
Ms Medenica
Development of the Condom
A female condom (left) and a male condom (right)

 The condom is one if not the oldest safe sex tool to reduce the chance of un-wanted pregnancies and can prevent getting some of the STI’s. There are many different types of condoms there are male and female condoms both help the same cause.   

The oldest record we have for the first condoms was around 1000B.C by the Egyptians they were made to protect from STI’s.  In the 15th century the Chinese made glands condom which covered the top of the penis these were made of oiled silk paper or lamb intestines.  They were only none by the upper class.  Later Dutch traders later brought leather condoms into Japan these ones were different because the covered the entire penis. They were not used as much due to lack of sensation and expense, but in the 18th century it became more widely spread throughout Russia most of Europe and America.  They were pretty much only used by upper and middle class because of expense and lack of sexual education.  In the early 19th century condoms were introduced to the poor because the higher classes preferred other methods of birth control.  Condoms were first made not to control unwanted pregnancy but to stop STI’s from infecting there partner. Because In some areas it was illegal to buy or sell condoms there were articles telling you how to make them at home in newspapers and magazines.
During WWI military’s promoted the use of condoms to prevent infections from sexual intercourse so that the soldiers would stay longer in battle.  A new creation is the spray-on condom which was made in 2006 but several reasons it wasn’t been released to the market is because it takes a minute for the latex to dry. Also the device is somewhat scary and some of the volunteers were scared to put their penis into the device.  It also doesn’t make a reservoir tip because it use’s you penis as a mold which is good for a man with an unusually sized penis or with a oddly shaped penis.


Condoms have been made of many different things over the years like animal skins/intestines and other parts, silk-paper, and latex but the a bad part about the natural ones like animal skins was that the sperm couldn’t get through but STD/I’s could because they were so much smaller and could go through the pores of the skins.  Also they would change in cold weather they would harden and become stiff instead being elastic and when it was hot they would go soft and mushy.  Now a day’s there are many different types of condoms like flavored or different textured they also have eatable ones!  They have many different sizes and you can get spray one ones which mold to the size of your penis.     

They  condom was been around for 3000 years and during this time they have improved it like by making it out of rubber and then latex also making lube so that the friction wouldn’t tear it. If they wouldn’t have made other ways to improve it we would probably still have sheep skin condoms. The only problem is now a day’s people aren’t making them safer and more reliable but more pleasurable. By adding flavors or different textures to it.  

They are not always reliable because they could rip, break or when you taking it off it could spill. The condom fail rate in preventing teen pregnancies is 17%.Condoms reduce the risk of HIV transmission by approximately 85 percent if they are used 100 percent of the time during vaginal sex. Condoms can lower the risk of HPV, if used during the entire time and if they are used correctly. This is why it is so important to teach sexually education. Condoms may also lower the risk of developing HPV-related diseases, such as genital warts and cervical cancer. But HPV can infect areas that are not covered by a condom so condoms do not fully protect against HPV. Condoms reduce the risk of the transmission of sexually transmitted infections they cannot eliminate all of the risks.
