Wednesday, 1 February 2012

Cracking the code of life

 Q 1. Sequencing the human genome may bring to light a number of genes that are the basis for known genetic diseases or that predispose a person to a condition such as heart disease. Yet finding a gene for an illness may not lead to immediate cure. Would you want to be tested to learn whether they had a genetic disease or predisposition if no cure was available. Why or why not?

A: I wouldn't want to be tested because yes it would be nice to know if you would have cancer or anything else like that, but if there is no cure what is the point of knowing that you have a disease but there is no way to save you.

Q 2. Consider a scenario in which a lab needs DNA samples for use in genetics testing studies.  Researchers are searching for a variant of a gene that provides resistance to specific bacterial diseases.  If the company finds this gene, it may be able to produce a drug to sell to people who have these diseases.  Would you agree to have your DNA be part of the study? Why or why not? Would you want royalties for your part in finding the gene? What if during the testing, the company discovered you had a gene that might result in a health problem later in life? Would you want to be informed?Why or why not?

A: I would because I would know that if they found the gene then I could be saving/healing people of disease and If they found nothing then it wouldn't harm me so it would be fine.  If during the testing they did find a genetic disease I wouldn't want them to tell me unless it was serious and if it wasn't around the time I should start to symptoms of whatever it was.

Q 3. As more is learned about genes, there is a risk the the information will be used to define certain members of society by their genetic makeup.  Identity the meaning if the terms genetic discrimination and genetic privacy.  What are some ways to protect against this type of genetic discrimination?

A: Make sure the people you are sending your genes to have a no name policy so that they have no name's on the tray's just numbers so nobody knows who the genes belong to other then the people that but in the numbers. 

I thought the movie was good it taught me that they can see what disease you can get from your parents genes by giving a sample of blood or saliva. I thought it was stupid that people buy bought part of the geneo and then when a sciencetist wants to find a cure and the need that peice or part of that piece they cant and  I think they could have cure for tons of disease's or conditions if they had all the pieces.